App Wrapper 4.8 now UB and better support for Cycling '74 apps
By Sam Rowlands • Feb. 5, 2025
App Wrapper is Ohanaware's premium Post-Build Processor for the macOS, used by 100s of developers to prepare their macOS applications for the Mac App Store and distribution on their websites. App Wrapper helps assemble the bundle, verify it, code sign it, pack it into multiple archives (even architecture independent archives), and then either submits it to the Mac App Store or to Apple's Notarization service for approval.
Version 4.8 Changes
- Is now a Universal Binary, natively supporting Apple Silicon based Macs
- Now Notarizes Cycling '74 Max made applications.
- Now has it's own disable Window Restoration option overriding the system option.
- Now sets the correct permissions for Perl files.
- Now uses the same UTI as DMG Canvas for DMG Canvas templates.