
Personal Best – Workouts
Activity and fitness stats
Health & Fitness
By Shaun Donnelly
iPhone iPad WatchNov. 3, 2024
v 15.17This version adds 2024 in review – learn about your workouts from this year, and test your knowledge with a quiz!
Sept. 15, 2024
v 15.16This version improves performance, and adds support for tinted widgets in iOS 18.
Aug. 25, 2024
v 15.15This update fixes an issue where some leaderboards would be missing workouts.
June 30, 2024
v 15.14Added new units for pace. Want to track your 5km time, 25 yard, 100 meter time? PB has you covered.
Also, some bug fixes.
May 19, 2024
v 15.13You can now choose which types of insights appear for your workouts – so if, for example, seeing comparisons to food is triggering, you can hide them. Just visit Settings > Units to choose.
May 7, 2024
v 15.11This version includes:
- A nicer display when sharing workouts
- Bug fixes
iOS 17 is now required for this version.
April 1, 2024
v 15.10- Fixed a bug where pace on leaderboards wouldn't display correctly, if your units were set to miles.
- Fixed a bug where workouts on the dashboard tab sometimes took a long time to load.
March 15, 2024
v 15.8This version revamps the help section to include FAQs.
Feb. 1, 2024
v 15.7This version tweaks the Settings tab to include a link to my new app, SalaryPig.
Jan. 15, 2024
v 15.5This version adds a new, editorial-style layout as an option when sharing your workouts.
Dec. 6, 2023
v 15.4.3This version improves the way the 'workouts per day' stat is calculated.
Dec. 1, 2023
v 15.4.1This version fixes a typo.
Nov. 3, 2023
v 15.3.1This version fixes a bug where widgets would sometimes not appear on iOS 16, and a bug which would occasionally crash the Apple Watch app.
Oct. 4, 2023
v 15.2This version adds a new widget: Leaderboards! Track your progress right on your home screen.
Oct. 2, 2023
v 15.1This version includes a major update to the stats screen (the place you go when drilling down into insights). It's been completely rewritten from the ground up so you can easily switch between previous weeks, months and years, and effortlessly compare yourself to previous periods. It's never been easier to track your progress.
If you're enjoying Personal Best, please consider leaving a review on the App Store. It helps more than you know! If you're not enjoying Personal Best, drop me an email and let's talk.
Sept. 18, 2023
v 15iOS 17 is here, and it brings some new toys for Personal Best:
- Use the new Latest Workout widget to see your widgets in stunning detail, featuring photos and maps from your workouts
- An all-new Apple Watch app brings your workouts to life on your wrist, featuring complications and widgets for the first time
- Track your workouts on iPad with Personal Best for iPad
Aug. 23, 2023
v 14.4This version includes a new onboarding screen, plus some optimisations and bug fixes when sharing workouts.
Aug. 18, 2023
v 14.3.1This version includes a couple of small bug fixes.
Aug. 17, 2023
v 14.3This version includes lots of improvements:
- When sharing workouts, you can now reposition the route map
- Also when sharing workouts, you can now copy an image description (also known as alt text) to use with assistive technologies, like when sharing your workout on Twitter/X/whatever it's called this month
- Fixed a bug where the 'Done' button when sharing workouts was sometimes not visible
- Fixed a bug where leaderboards would sometimes show incorrect data
- Fixed a bug where photos sometimes didn't appear correctly when viewing workouts
If you're enjoying Personal Best, please share it with your friends and family and consider leaving a review on the App Store.
Aug. 8, 2023
v 14.2This version introduces an all-new sharing screen. Hit the share button when viewing a workout (or long press on one on the dashboard) and turn it into a magazine-quality image, then share to social media (or just your camera roll) in seconds. Your friends won't believe how good your workouts look!
If you're enjoying Personal Best, please share it with others and consider leaving a review on the App Store. If you're not enjoying it, drop me an email.
July 20, 2023
v 14.1- The dashboard now features your recent workouts with beautiful imagery of your workouts
- Improved the settings screen
- Fixed an issue where new workouts sometimes wouldn't load
July 12, 2023
v 14.0This version brings an all-new workouts screen.
- See your workouts in stunning detail with route maps, photos and calming artwork.
- Get monthly and yearly summaries of your workouts.
Plus, bug fixes and minor improvements to other stuff (of course).
If you haven't already, please rate and review Personal Best on the App Store and share it with your friends, so I can buy Taylor Swift tickets.
July 4, 2023
v 13.7This version adds a 'redeem code' screen for redeeming promo codes.
Thanks for using Personal Best, and remember to share it with your friends, family and colleagues so I can buy groceries.
Feb. 7, 2023
v 13.5This version makes some improvements to how Personal Best Pro is presented to new users.
If you like Personal Best Pro, please consider leaving a review on the App Store and recommending it to your friends. If you don't like it, send me an email and let me know what isn't working for you.
Feb. 6, 2023
v 13.4.3This version fixes a bug where workouts sometimes wouldn't load when the app was first launched.
Feb. 3, 2023
v 13.4.2This update makes widgets behave more reliably, and improves how workout notifications are displayed.
Jan. 21, 2023
v 13.4.1When viewing workouts, your selected leaderboard is now saved.
Jan. 16, 2023
v 13.4Personal Best has been given a comprehensive tune up behind the scenes! Everything is now snappier, more responsive, and quick to load.
Dec. 31, 2022
v 13.3.4This version makes the 'this month' and 'this year' widgets work more reliably.
Dec. 20, 2022
v 13.3.2This version fixes a bug where widgets sometimes wouldn't load if you hadn't done a workout in a while.
Dec. 13, 2022
v 13.3.1This version includes some bug fixes and UX improvements.
Dec. 5, 2022
v 13.3This version includes some bug fixes and small user interface improvements.
Oct. 23, 2022
v 13.2This version allows you to choose whether widgets use pure black or just very, very dark gray in dark mode. Just go to Settings > Widgets.
Sept. 26, 2022
v 13.1You can now choose 'this month' and 'this year' on the dashboard.
Sept. 23, 2022
v 13.0.2- In dark mode, Home Screen widgets now have a pure black background
- Heart rate zones now display better when you have a maximum heart rate higher than the maximum of zone 5
Sept. 17, 2022
v 13.0.1This version includes some small bug fixes.
Sept. 12, 2022
v 13iOS 16 is here, and a bumper Personal Best update comes with it!
- Lock screen widgets! Track your workouts even when your phone is locked. Will probably look great on the new Always-On display on the iPhone 14 Pro..
- Heart rate zones! See how hard you're working on your workouts.
- The entire app's had a facelift! You'll notice new icons, simpler screens, and just a general coat of paint on everything.
- Fixed oh-so-many bugs!
Sept. 3, 2022
v 12.13This version contains some – you guessed it – small bug fixes and improvements.
Aug. 13, 2022
v 12.12This version adds a subscription option for people who prefer to pay for Personal Best Pro monthly or yearly. If you already own Personal Best Pro, nothing is changing, you'll always have lifetime access.
July 3, 2022
v 12.11.3This version adds support for elliptical workouts recorded using GymKit exercise equipment.
June 26, 2022
v 12.11.1Swimming distances are now always displayed in metres/yards, instead of kilometres/miles.
June 21, 2022
v 12.11- Workout route maps now include pins at the start and end points of your workout
- Personal Best's onboarding (that's the stuff you see when you open it for the very first time) has been rebuilt from scratch to work better
- As always, lots of minor bug fixes and improvements
May 28, 2022
v 12.10.5This version brings UI improvements to widgets and the onboarding screen, and you can now double press a tab to return to the tab's main screen.
May 16, 2022
v 12.10.4This version brings some small improvements to sharing workouts and a nicer settings screen.
If you haven't already, please rate and review Personal Best in the App Store. It helps massively!
May 8, 2022
v 12.10.3- Widgets now fit better on smaller screens (big love to the iPhone SE users out there)
- The standard bug fixes and improvements, of course
Feb. 20, 2022
v 12.10.2A couple of small tweaks to improve performance when sharing workouts and firing the confetti cannon.
Also, I have a new app and you should check it out! It's called Taylor's Version and it helps you upgrade your Spotify playlists to use the new, re-recorded versions of Taylor Swift songs. Check out or search 'Taylor's Version' on the App Store.
Jan. 3, 2022
v 12.10.1- Improved accessibility when viewing workout photos
- When a workout has no associated photos, the UI is now more compact
- Some minor bug fixes and speed optimisations
Dec. 7, 2021
v 12.10When sharing workouts, you can now choose whether the generated image should have square or rounded corners.
Oct. 28, 2021
v 12.9.1Nothing big in this release, just some more small tweaks and improvements.