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Maze · Maps Switcher

Open location in preferred map



iPhone Navigation Requires iOS 15.0


About Maze · Maps Switcher

Introducing Maze, the app that breaks barriers between map applications such as Google Maps, Apple Maps, Waze and more.

Maze seamlessly connects your favorite map applications, making it easy to open a location from one app in another. For example, if you prefer navigating with Waze but want to use Google Maps to find destinations, this application is the perfect tool for you.

Using Maze is incredibly simple:
1. Find a location in a map app, such as Google/Apple Maps or open a Google Maps link in Safari.
2. Share the location to Maze.
3. Open or navigate to the location in another app of your choice.

Maze supports following map applications:
• Apple Maps
• Google Maps
• Waze
• Baidu Maps (百度地图)
• Gaode Maps (高德地图)
• Tencent Maps (腾讯地图)

If you have any suggestions or feedback, please feel free to email us at

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