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Super 85

Calculate your bioethanol mix


William Mead

iPhone iPad Navigation Requires iOS 16.6, iPadOS 16.6


About Super 85

Super 85 is your personal gas attendant app for refilling with bioethanol.

Set the percentage of ethanol you want in your fuel and Super 85 will tell you how much of each fuel you need to get the right mix.

Set your own fuel prices to find out how much you save when filling up with ethanol and keep track of your fuel stops.

Super 85 automatically uses US or EU fuels depending on your iOS regional settings.

US :
- Regular / Plus / Premium
- Flexfuel
EU :
- SP95 / SP95-E10 / SP98
- E85

Bioethanol is already used in many vehicles. Check with your garage to find out if your vehicle is compatible. If your vehicle can't use ethanol you can still use Super 85 to keep track of your fuel budget.

- Fuel Mixer
- Vehicle garage
- Fuel Stop History
- iCloud Sync
- Split View / Slide Over
- Dark Mode
- SwiftUI
- No ads
- No tracking
- Thin digital fingerprint, ~1Mb installation size
- Mac compatible

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